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Through Her Lens:
Hannah Höch, Dora Maar and the Photomontage Revolution

Dora Maar

Embark on an exhilarating exploration of the revolutionary works of Dora Maar and Hannah Höch, two trailblazing female photographers who redefined the visual language of the 20th century.

Step into the captivating world of two of the 20th century's most groundbreaking female photographers, Dora Maar and Hannah Höch. Over a transformative three weeks, delve deep into the art, lives, and pioneering techniques of these remarkable women who dared to reimagine the photographic canvas.

Led by art historian Dr. Lauren Jimerson, this intensive crash course will transport you through the vibrant corridors of the Dada and Surrealist movements. Uncover how Maar and Höch not only shaped, but also challenged these movements with their revolutionary approaches to photomontage.


Hannah Hoch photomontage



Wednesdays @ 9:00-10:30 am
Sept. 13 - Sept. 27


On Zoom from your home or office. Sessions are led by Lauren Jimerson, PhD.

All sessions are recorded and can be streamed at your convenience.


  • Crash Courses are sold in packs of 3

  • Each webinar is limited in size to enable lively and engaging discussions.

  • Held on the same day and time each week, each session is 90 minutes. ​

  • No background in art necessary. All that's required is a curious mind.

Dora Maar Man Ray photomontage

Crash Course Highlights:
Photographic Alchemy: Dive into the intricate processes of photomontage and explore how Maar and Höch transformed everyday images into stirring artworks.
A Journey through Dada and Surrealism: Understand the larger canvas of the art movements that influenced these women and how their work, in turn, influenced the movements.
Personal Narratives: Discover the personal stories of Maar and Höch – their challenges, triumphs, collaborations, and their places within a male-dominated art world.
Dynamic Discussions: Engage in enriching, thought-provoking discussions, ensuring a deep, immersive understanding of the subject matter.

What You'll Gain:
• A comprehensive understanding of the contributions of Maar and Höch to art history.
• Insights into the intertwined worlds of Dadaism, Surrealism, and early 20th-century photography.
• Enhanced visual literacy skills and the ability to analyze and discuss art from a historical and technical perspective.

Who Should Attend:
This course welcomes art enthusiasts, curious minds, and anyone with an interest in the intersection of history, photography, and feminism. No prior background in art is required – just bring your inquisitiveness and passion for learning!

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